
Comunicato Stampa

martedì 24 Giugno 2008

Comunicato Stampa


Il portoghese Ginásio Clube Figueirense organizza per i prossimi 15, 16, 17 agosto il MONDEGO ROWING TOUR.
Si tratta di un Tour che comprende delle remate sul Mondego River (per un totale di 60 km divisi nelle 3 giornate, in 4 di coppia oppure yole a 4 di coppia, oppure 4 e 8 yole) che si accompagnano alle visite guidate delle città portoghesi di Santa Comba Dao, Coimbra, Montemor-o-Velho e Figueira da Foz.
In calce l’invito giunto in questi giorni da Rute Costa.
Si raccomanda l’iscrizione entro e non oltre il 25 luglio!!
Per i dettagli, è possibile consultare il programma allegato, come per le iscrizioni è possibile usare il form allegato.

Maurizio USTOLIN

Ginásio Clube Figueirense is pleased to invite your club to participate in MONDEGO ROWING TOUR – Rowing down the Mondego River (Portugal), on August 15th, 16th and 17th.

The city of Figueira da Foz, home of Ginásio Clube Figueirense is located at the centre of the Portuguese west Atlantic seabord . Portugal´s main cities are: the capital Lisbon, which is 112 miles away; Oporto (75 miles) and Coimbra (25 miles), famously known for its University Campus, one of the oldest in Europe.
Ginásio Clube Figueirense, founded in 1985 (6th oldest sports club in Portugal), as currently 2058 athletes in 11 different sport activities, being the most relevant Basketball in LCB (Portuguese Professional League), Rowing (3rd in the Portuguese Ranking), Weightlifting (World and European Masters Champion) and Swimming.

The information and program of the MONDEGO ROWING TOUR is sent in attach, as well as the registration form.
Given the promotional nature of this 1st edition, the inscriptions have very accessible values, which include the transportation by bus, meals (5), overnight (2), shows and supply of T-shirt of the event.

Looking forward for your participation.
Best regards,
Rute Costa

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