
Comunicato Stampa

mercoledì 11 Giugno 2008

Comunicato Stampa

Coastal Rowing races in Amalfi

Saturday 7 June in Amalfi were disputed two Coastal Rowing race before the Historical Regatta. The first race, master 43, organized by Circolo Canottieri Irno of Salerno with Rowing Master Napoli association, was won by Pro Monopoli. At the second place arrived a team of Circolo Posillipo, in the third place a team with athletes of Circolo Posillipo and Ilva Bagnoli. After this race, were disputed another race, organized by Cus Salerno, among the Cus of the University of the four cities, that was won by Genova (members of team: Cavaliere, Sciutto, Vitriolo, Filippini – photo: Genoese… distracted), second arrived Pisa, in the third place Amalfi, and last Venezia.
The Regatta of Coastal Rowing, organized by Massimo Pierro of the “Naples Master Group”, the Rectors of the present Italian Universities are liked a lot. the Avv. Renato Alberti, Vice – President of the FIC, has launched the idea of an European Regatta of the Universities on the occasion of the next Palio: Genova 2009!.

Carlo Zazzera